Waterfowl Game Recipes!
Lets not forget Waterfowl game recipes, including duck, pheasant, goose and pigeon. A favourite and traditi on for the italian hunters since the beginning of time.
A little secret. My husband owned a gourmet italian restaurant in the early nineties and learned one important thing amongst his best chefs. A small ingredient that kept going into all the meat dishes. The name of this ingredient is stock. Add a little to every meat dish for a five star taste.
If you have a delicious Waterfowl Game recipe, please share with us. If you have questions regarding this recipe page, please fill out our online contact form and it will be our pleasure to respond. ♥ The Italian Cook
Italian Roast Duck
1 fresh duckling, or duck, about 4 pounds
fresh ground black pepper
juice from 4 or 5 fresh oranges
1/3 cup Cognac
1 sprig fresh rosemary
1/4 cup melted butter
1 small carrot
1 To cook duck rub salt and pepper on the duck, inside and out.
2 Cut rosemary in half and place in the cavity.
3 Combine the orange juices, melted butter and Cognac in a small bowl. This will be used for basting.
4 Place carrot and duck in a roasting pan lined with aluminum foil and roast uncovered for about 2 hours at 350 degrees.
5 Baste duck frequently (at least every 20 minutes).
6 When done, allow to cool a few minutes then cut into serving pieces. Serve with rice, Italian pasta or polenta. For added flavor, spoon roasting juices over servings.
Cooking secret:
When cooking duck and other waterfowl, roast uncovered, baste often and allways be sure to add a carrot. This will help to absorb the grease and strong taste.
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