Culinary Vacations in Italy Categorized by Region
Many of the culinary schools in Italy originate from the agricultural areas all over Italy, Many of the farms have added villas and rooms to accomodate small and large groups.
This extra income helps in covering much of the overhead needed to run a farm today and makes for great surroundings.
Please note: This information has been compiled as I research the internet for my own personal index file and diary. I have no knowledge of their reputation and have never used their services.
Please do your own research and get references before investing in any educational or vacation semester. Get in contact with the organizers and ask for past clients contact information.
Please give me feedback concerning your experience in Italy if you've had a Culinary Vacation. If you own and operate a Culinary School in Italy please contact us for Culinary Vacations listing information and it will be our pleasure to respond.
Southern Italian Culinary Vacations - Lazio
Fontana Del Papa in Tolfa, Roma
Accommodations Offered at Fontana Del Papa
In 2000, we became the owners of Fontana del Papa, a ruined farmhouse with an olive grove suffering from years of complete abandon. In our dreams, we saw a vision of how it once shined - the olive grove bearing rich fruit to process the best olive oil in the world to share with our visitors and guests. We have worked with tenacity, passion and love. True, we were dreaming, but now our dream has become a reality. The olive grove has become a beautiful, relaxing retreat and Fontana del Papa has been restored to all of its ancient and imposing beauty...with guests coming from all over the world.
All our courses include excursions, tutored wine & olive oil tasting. We also take you walking in the surrounding countryside to pick and learn about wild mushrooms, wild salads herbs, according to the season.
We live at Fontana del Papa sharing our house and our estate with guests, we personally ensure that the well-being of our guests is attended to each and every day.Our guests will enjoy full immersion Italian culture, fine wines, nature and pleasure of slow life and food!
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Southern Italian Culinary Vacations - Abruzzo
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Southern Italian Culinary Vacations - Molise
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Southern Italian Culinary Vacations - Campagnia
Mami Camilla in Sorrento, Campagnia
Accommodations Offered at Mami Camilla
An old-fashioned family born and raised among the Italian culinary arts, we have decided to transfer all our professional knowledge to the creation of Mamì’ Camilla’s kitchen and homemade gourmet food school.
Cuisine(s): The following Courses range from 1 day to 6 months in length. All classes are taught in English and Italian.
The School offers different types of courses in 42 weeks of activities from February to November to fully meet the objectives according to time availability and attendance frequency.
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Sorrento Cooking School, Sorrento, Campagnia
Accommodations Offered at Mami Camilla
Sorrento Cooking School is located within the Giardino Delle Esperidi of Raffaella D’Esposito and her family, a well known resort of the “Penisola Sorrentina”. The School, which is a short distance from the sea and the city centre, is sorrounded by a field of lemon and orange trees where there are bungalows, chalets and residences that give an alternative to the more traditional hotel accomodation available in Sorrento.
The Cooking School includes a cooking area, a tasting area used to sample the dishes prepared during the lesson, a large dining area, and a small store where it is possible to buy typical local products selected by us.
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Southern Italian Culinary Vacations - Puglia
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Southern Italian Culinary Vacations - Basillicata
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Southern Italian Culinary Vacations - Calabria
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Southern Italian Culinary Vacations - Sicily
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Southern Italian Culinary Vacations - Sardinia
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Central Italian Culinary Vacations - Piemonte
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Central Italian Culinary Vacations - Val D'Aosta
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Central Italian Culinary Vacations - Lombardia
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Central Italian Culinary Vacations - Liguria
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Central Italian Culinary Vacations - Trentino Alto Adige
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Central Italian Culinary Vacations - Veneto
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Central Italian Culinary Vacations - Fruili Venezia Giulia
No listings for the Fruili Venezia Giulia region
Northern Italian Culinary Vacations - Emilia Romagna
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Northern Italian Culinary Vacations - Le Marche
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Northern Italian Culinary Vacations - Tuscany
Tuscany Cooking Class, Tuscany
Accommodations Offered at Let's Cook in Umbria
Experience firsthand the good tastes of Tuscany. We have designed our cooking and wine classes to expose you to an intimate side of that Italian lifestyle that is so appealing to all. Our tours expose you to the best that Tuscany has to offer.
Spend a fruitful day in an original gallery kitchen of the 13th century Villa Pandolfini with hands-on instruction by one of our professional Italian chefs. Our menus vary according to the seasonal cuisine and are universally appealing. Our goal is to expose you to all of the Good Tastes of Tuscany. We guarantee an unforgettable experience.
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Northern Italian Culinary Vacations - Umbria
Cooking Class in Umbria, Perugia
Accommodations Offered at Let's Cook in Umbria
I am Raffaella, the owner of country farm "la volpe e l'uva" and the organizer of the programs of "Let's Cook in Umbria”. I have been living here since 1996, with my husband who is a musician, and our two children.
The idea of this project was born thanks to my love for the region of Umbria, its products and traditions. My goal is to offer an unforgettable holiday in central Italy that combines Italian food, art, and our local culture, an holiday during which people can live in a nice and comfortable apartment surrounded by Umbrian hills, discover the secrets of our traditional cooking and enjoy of the artistic richness of our wonderful region!
Our programs include accommodation, cooking classes, half-day tours, italian language lessons and meals. You will deal with professionalism in an informal and friendly environment.
Our approach to cooking can be wrapped up in three words - simple, seasonal, and local. Our recipes come from the Mediterranean tradition, especiallay form central Italy (Umbria and Tuscany), but we revised a little the original recipes to obtain more healthy foods!
The cooking classes are in my home.
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