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You will find Italian recipes including - Broth & Soups Pasta Lasagna Pizza Antipasto & Salads Bread Beef Recipes Chicken Recipes Seafood Recipes Italian Desserts Liquor Recipes Food Preservation Techniques Holiday Cooking and much more. Luxury silver cutlery at Silver Groves
You'll also find Spices & Herbs Cooking Secrets Italian Products available online. You'll also find Breakfast Recipes Healthy Recipes Diabetic Recipes Vegetarian Recipes. We will be adding more cooking info and recipes as time allows us. So visit back every so and then. Please enjoy the Italian Cook and if you have new ideas or recipes of you own go to the Add A Recipe Page. Enjoy the site and lots of love from all of us.
Italy's Population has grown to 58,751,711 people according to the latest census. It is the forth largest populated country of Europe and ranks twenty second in the world chart. It is made up of the Northern Central Southern areas of Italy.
Italy, including the islands of Sardinia and Sicily covers an area of 301,230 square km. it is made up 20 administrative regions including Abruzzo, Calabria, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Liguria, Lombardia, Marche, Molise, Piemonte, Puglia, Sardegna, Toscana, Trentino-Alto Adige, Umbria, Giulia, Lazio,Valle d'Aosta, Veneto, Sicilia, Friuli-Venezia and Basilicata. Italy is a land of total, startling extremes. In geographical terms alone, it is one of Europe's most disaster-prone countries. Italy's Civil Protection service works in a constant state of readiness to cope with the country's active volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, avalanches, forest fires...
A large proportion of the country is hilly, and modern Italy is shaped by its natural geography as well as by millennia of turbulent history. Over the last three thousand years, Italy has had a consistently rich culture, producing fine buildings, works of art, and a mythologized history with timeless appeal.
Italy expands over a sizeable piece of southern Europe and has many different regions each having their own special cuisine and eating habits. The cooking styles and ingredients also vary from area to area. The cuisine of Italy has also been influenced with the changes that have taken place in the world through the passage of time. This is why Italian cuisine is full of imagination, colourful and magnificent. I hope you enjoy our wonderfull recipes and information regarding all of Italy.
New Featured Video: Mbriulata, Mbriulati Siciliani, Miscateddri (Nmiscati - Mignulati - Mignulate) Sicilian Delicacy
Mbriulata is a traditional Sicilian savory bread dough originating from the Agrigento area. Mbriulata consists of dough that's stuffed with ingredients that includes potatoes, caramalized onions, salted black olives, ground pork and swiss chard. My mother Vincenza and this particular recipe originates from Santa Alisabetta Agrigento Sicily.
The dough is made from flour, olive oil, yeast, milk, and a pinch of salt. The dough is rolled around the filling, creating a nice spiral after the mbriulata has been baked.
Family / La Famiglia is the most important part of Sicilian life. The family is and will always be the foundation where family could find real protection from the outside world. The father was in charge to provide for the family’s needs, but it was the mother who, among her many duties, had to keep the family united, to care of the children, take charge of the kitchen for the preparation of the food and stocking up the provisions. The mother had learned from her mother the recipes that after thousands of years are passed on and used in today’s Sicilian cooking.
Italian traditions start in the kitchen. I can remember the wonderful food my Mother use to make when I was only 10 years old, baking bread almost every morning. In those days eating fresh vegetables including eggplants, potatoes, carrots, artichokes, courgettes and tomatoes from the garden or simply walking through the fields and picking fruit off the trees which included kaki (persimmon), apricots, kiwi, pomegranates, nectarines, apples, peaches, pears, strawberries, lemons, mandarins and oranges was the most beautiful experience I will always cherish in my native home Santa Elisabetta Agrigento Sicily.
Miscateddri is my favorite recipe because it was the most requested delicacy in our household. We would have a few pigs running around on our little farm back then is good old Santa Elisabetta and we would only slaughter a pig during the holidays. Yes that's right, maybe once a year we would be lucky enough to have Miscateddris. I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I always do once a year when family members and friends get together to cook, laugh and remember blasts from the past in my native Sicily.
This month my sister Rosetta, my cousin Rosa, my husband Mario and other family members made a video about our get together that we usually organize before Christmas to make our favorite delicacies. I would like to share this with you so enjoy this wonderful video. Thanks Rob and Scott for the time you spent creating this video. Elena and The Italian Cook Crew.
Latest New Videos: The Pizza Making Process - A three part series available here
Appetizers - Antipasto - Salads - Soups Recipes
Antipasto - Antipasti in the plural - literally means 'before the pasta'. It consists of a varied combination of foods, and should be colorful and served cold. Two of the most popular Italian ingredients of the antipasti are melon or tomatoes, accompanied by raw ham (prosciutto) that has been cut into very thin slices. Italian varieties of lettuce, such as the slightly bitter endives or rocket, or other green leaves, such as the aniseed-tasting fennel, are usually used as a garnish, placed around the edges of the serving dish. Salami, mortadella, coppa and zampone (meaning big leg) are manufactured meat products common in antipasti.
Soup - a liquid food in which different kinds of solid food have been cooked, e.g., meat, fish, fowl, vegetables, cereals, or fruit. Many soups are peculiar to certain localities, e.g., the pot-au-feu of France, the borscht of Russia, the mutton broth of Scotland, the minestrone of Italy, and the chowders of various seacoast places.
Bread & Pizza Recipes
Bread, in one form or another, has been one of the principal forms of food for man from earliest times. The trade of the baker, then, is one of the oldest crafts in the world. Loaves and rolls have been found in ancient Egyptian tombs. In the British Museum's Egyptian galleries you can see actual loaves which were made and baked over 5,000 years ago.
Every civilization, we may say, has known different kinds of flat buns, pies or the like based on a dough made of cereal and water and various seasonings. It is a form of food that no doubt resembles pizza. The ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean Sea offer a wide range of examples of those that can be considered the ancestors of the pizza as we moderns know it.
Pasta & Lasagna Recipes
Pasta's origins are very ancient. It's said that they go back actually to the Etruscans. Maybe they used to prepare the first lasagna made of spelt ( a kind of cereal like wheat, but far more resistant against bad weather and diseases). Later on, the romans used to make a very simple dough with water and flour from which they made a kind of lasagna, called lagane.
Lasagna is both a type of noodle and a dish made with that noodle; when pluralized, lasagna noodles are known as “lasagne”. Lasagne are long, flat, broad noodles which are ideally suited to layering in a baking dish to make a sort of noodle pie with an assortment of ingredients which may include meats, cheeses, and tomato sauce.
Meat Recipes
Beef, veal, chicken, pork, lamb and rabbit are the standard recipes that we will be looking at. Other fowl and game will also be listed.. Obviously veal dishes figure predominantly in all the fine Italian dining establishments. There are two types of veal. Milk fed which is very tender and slightly more expensive then grain fed veal.
Seafood Recipes
Calamari, mussels, octopus, shrimps, scampi, tuna, cod fish, swordfish, red snapper and snails is what comes to mind when we think about Seafood - Frutta di Mare recipes. Each region may have their specific recipes but they share much similarities. It at any point we can pin which is which in what region we will try to specify.
Italian Desserts & Holiday Sweets
Simple yet delicious recipes created with eggs, sugar, butter and Marsala wine. Using fresh butter, milk and cream and regional fruits that grew in the back yard. All the traditional desserts that made each and every day special and holidays a delight for everybody.
In Italian, Christmas Eve is "La Vigilia," the eve. Traditionally the dinner is meatless and fish dishes dominate. Every region, city, and country town in Italy has traditional foods that are served. Many people prepare Christmas eve dinners with a required number of courses that never seem to end. Over the years the number of courses served by most Italian families has decreased, but fish still remains the main feature of the meal. More info on Holiday Cooking →
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